Garcia Exploration 52 – New Video by Pete Goss

The famous British ocean racer, adventurer and author Pete Goss has sailed more than 250,000 nautical miles at sea. He and his wife Tracey also lived and sailed two years and a half aboard their Garcia Exploration 45 “Pearl of Penzance”, they finally sold in 2020 for family reasons. So, that’s with the connoisseur’s point of view that Pete shares his impression after a sailing session on board the Garcia Exploration 52.
Pete’s Words of Wisdom:
You must define what you want to do, there is a hierarchy of needs.
Safety –
Versatility –
Comfort –
In a Garcia you have the benefits of water tight bulkheads, the lifting centreboard gives you more control down wind, hull is insulated and warm, drying out, redundancy, reliability and a wonderful pilot house saloon which brings multihull benefits into a monohull!
You are buying a vehicle of dreams – dreams can go in any direction. The versatility of Garcia Yachts allows you to adapt to what is best for you.
Dreams are what fuel life – if you don’t have dreams you could be destined for a boring life.
Dream, Dream, Dream then act on it – life is a very short thing so don’t waste it.
News Posted February 2021